Grow an online footwear brand with Odoo!

July 25, 2024 by
Grow an online footwear brand with Odoo!
Vraja Technologies

Footwear Market in India

India's shoe business is going to have its flubber moment in the 2020s. With an anticipated increase in shoe ownership from 1.9 pairs per capita in FY20 to 2.1 pairs by FY25, Indians are stepping up their shoe game.

The footwear business has greatly improved prospects due to technological improvements, innovation, automation of machinery, worker availability, rise of eCommerce, and shifting customer behavior. The market has more room to expand as a result of the growing demand for stylish, fashionable, athletic, and sports shoes.

A segment of the fashion market is the eCommerce market for footwear. The fashion market also includes the following categories: apparel and bags & accessories.

By 2024, the Indian footwear eCommerce industry is expected to generate US$5,071.0 million, or 25.9% of the country's total eCommerce market for fashion. Over the coming years, an increase is anticipated. With an anticipated 11.7% compound yearly growth rate (CAGR 2024–2028), the market is likely to reach a projected volume of US$7,890.3 million by 2028.

How to build an online footwear brand with Odoo?

Having a well-designed e-commerce footwear website is crucial for drawing clients and increasing sales in the fast-paced digital world of today. Adding the correct features can make a big impact in your website, whether you're just getting started or want to improve the one you already have. This is a thorough explanation of what features are essential for a footwear e-commerce website.

Must Haves on Website:

1. Intuitive Product Display:

Product display and that too category-wise plays a very important role in footwear websites. With Odoo one can make an intuitive website with the best user display.You can upload high-resolution photos with zoom-in capabilities using Odoo's image management features. Display a variety of viewpoints and lifestyle images to aid in the buyers' visualization of the products.

Detailed Descriptions: Provide thorough product descriptions using Odoo's product information fields, including sizing charts, material data, cleaning guidelines, and fit specifics. Customization and formatting are made simple using the rich text editor.

Example of how display should look:

Clear Product Images, Description, Size Guideline

2. Personalization and Recommendations:

Offering personalized experiences on websites enables users to easily choose products tailored to their preferences. With features such as selecting colors, sizes, and categories of footwear, users can find exactly what they want. Additionally, recommendations are provided on a website built with the Odoo website builder.

Utilize built-in features to suggest related products (cross-sell) or more expensive alternatives (upsell).

Rules for Custom Recommendations: To propose products based on particular criteria (e.g., "Customers who bought this also bought..."), use custom rules in Odoo.

Tip: Product Recommendations: Implement a recommendation engine that suggests products based on user browsing history and purchase behavior.

3. Easy Integration

By consolidating all sales into a single effective system, connecting your website with several marketplaces—such as BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and Amazon—using our connectors can greatly grow your company. This integration improves the consumer experience overall while making it easier to handle various sales channels.

Additionally, companies may easily integrate shipping connectors into their websites to maintain their competitiveness in the global market. By streamlining logistics, shortening delivery times, and enhancing tracking, these shipping connectors help companies effectively satisfy the expanding needs of their clientele.

You can check it out on the App Store:

4. Connect with Social Media

Gaining the loyalty and trust of the Gen Z and influencer generation of today is crucial.If you own a footwear company, remember to link your website to Instagram. The younger generation initially looked up anything fresh on social media these days. And if they are persuaded, they will purchase the item.

You can link Instagram or display the product reel on the website. Indeed! It can be integrated with Vraja Technologies. You can work with our professionals to create this for your website, which is essential in the age of social media.

5. Show Customer Reviews on Website

For a new brand, it is important that their e-commerce website displays consumer reviews. Reviews increase loyalty and trust because they offer real feedback and social proof, which helps prospective customers make well-informed judgments.

They improve SEO by including new content and keywords, and they provide information about the performance of the product that descriptions would not. Evaluations also establish a feedback loop that enables companies to recognize and address problems, enhancing client happiness and promoting brand loyalty.

Positive evaluations also boost consumer interaction and might offer your company a competitive advantage. Make sure evaluations are authentic, widely posted, and use incentives or follow-up emails to entice customers to submit feedback in order to optimize the benefits.

6. Integrate with WhatsApp and provide LiveChat

Enhancing consumer involvement and assistance on a footwear brand's website requires the integration of LiveChat and WhatsApp.

Through the familiar and practical communication channel provided by WhatsApp integration, customers can ask questions about items, get prompt answers, and receive individualized assistance—all of which greatly enhance their shopping experience.

Concurrently, LiveChat offers real-time assistance right on the website, assisting in the prompt resolution of questions and problems to lower cart abandonment rates and boost conversion rates. By establishing an instantaneous and direct relationship with customers, both tools increase sales by fostering loyalty and trust.

These integrations may give footwear brands—where comfort, fit, and style are crucial—the prompt, interactive assistance they need to confidently walk clients through the purchasing process.

7. Seamless Checkout Process

Creating a seamless checkout process is crucial for any e-commerce business, and Odoo’s ecommerce module excels in this area. One standout feature is the support for guest checkout, which allows customers to complete their purchases without the need to create an account. This greatly simplifies the checkout process, reducing friction and making it easier for customers to make a purchase.

Additionally, Odoo integrates with a wide range of payment gateways, including credit and debit cards, PayPal, and various digital wallets, offering customers multiple payment options to choose from.

Security is also a top priority; Odoo ensures secure transactions with SSL encryption and compliance with industry security standards, providing peace of mind for both the business and its customers. These features collectively contribute to a smooth and efficient checkout process, enhancing the overall shopping experience.


Optimizing Odoo's e-commerce for the footwear sector entails taking advantage of its potent features to apply recommendation and personalization algorithms. Important actions include installing necessary modules, such as CRM, eCommerce, email marketing, and Odoo's Website Builder, and collecting user data to comprehend behavior and preferences.

Custom widgets and dynamic snippets can be used to create individualized experiences. User engagement is further increased by putting recommendation algorithms like cross-selling, upselling, and custom rules into practice.

By doing these actions, you may create a more personalized and interesting buying experience, which boosts client happiness and boosts revenue.

Contact us at- to enhance your experience for your e-commerce business!
